To use one of my least favorite phrases, 'there are two kinds of people' - those who read the end of the book first, and those who read straight through from front to back. (As evidence that there are in fact far more than two kinds of people are the frightening statistics about the declining number of people who read books at all.) But I digress... Back to the story.
I've finally started using Q's nap time for reading. Wanting to start off with a sure winner, I read The Da Vinci Code, which was recommend to me by too many people to mention.
It was a great, and compelling read. Though, for the first time ever (and I've been doing this for as far back as I can remember), I think that reading the end of the book after I was about 100 pages in actually took away some of my enjoyment of the book.
While Ryan has long tried to convince me that reading the end first actually does undermine the experience, I've always been someone who wants to know where I'm going to end up. I still (generally) want to stay on the ride, I just like to know what's waiting for me at the end. This was the first time I think that there might be something to just letting things unfold and seeing where the ride takes you. Unfortunately, I still think this is only the case some of the time. The challenge is figuring out when to sit back and enjoy the ride, and when to pull out the map to see the destination.